1. Shinkopeshon on

    Yeshiro actual angels ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


  2. Cucugeniality on

    they look great as a group! they look very cohesive visually. can’t wait for the teaser photos

  3. lesbianhellokitty on

    they look gorgeous. the pink makeup is refreshing and bright–angels!

  4. Adventurous_Can2398 on

    followed the original limelight since their honestly debut! i haven’t been into either kepler or produce japan 101 , so im excited to see what madein will bring! 

    143 have been holding auditions for awhile but i actually wasn’t sure they would follow though with adding more members. last i was updated limelight/madein doesn’t have a finite count of members so i do wonder if this is it or 143 will continue

  5. Finally the profile photos! They all look so pretty. And first time they officially confirmed Nagomi and Serina in the group, although we all knew they were also in. 143 already revealed that they finished recording their title track so I’m excited to see what else they have in store.

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